Big Brother 2015 Spoilers: Live Feeds Recap – 7/12/2015
|Sunday was a day of Vanessa telling everyone why she plans to put Jeff on the block at the Veto Meeting today in the Big Brother 2015 house and not Audrey. Vanessa can talk and talk and talk some more and is anyone on Big Brother 17 really listening? Check out the highlights from Sunday below in my Big Brother 2015 spoilers!
BB TAKEOVER – These Gronk Parties had the HGs up all night on Saturday and they continued on Sunday, as they had to do a conga line around the backyard for like 10 minutes. They also had to have a dance party in the kitchen, which had music playing every so often, and a dance party in the living room. I swear, if there is nothing more than these parties and the possibility of someone being a Have Not if they don’t participate than I am going to scream!