Big Brother 2015 Spoilers: Live Feeds Recap – 7/9/2015
|After the second eviction on Big Brother 2015, it is now time to move on to Week 3 on Big Brother 17 with two new Heads of Household in the mix. Since it isn’t a holiday weekend, things will be a little slower this time around, as the HoHs started their talks of who the target will be this week. Check out the highlights from Thursday below in my Big Brother 2015 spoilers!
So, the Live Feeds came back after the live eviction show and we had general chatter around the Big Brother 2015 house. Most HGs were surprised by the audience cheering so loudly for Da’Vonne when she walked through the doors. Shelli thinks America hates her for getting rid of Day (no Shelli, we hate you for many other reasons too)!