Big Brother 2015 Spoilers: Live Feeds Recap – 6/26/2015
|The Live Feeds came on late Thursday night after Night 2 of the Big Brother 2015 premiere and it has been a lot of catching up and trying to figure out what these HGs have been up to. Friday was the first full day of the feeds and these HGs are crazy! Big Brother 17 is off to a quick and intense start, as all the HGs seem to be going hard, but is it too hard? I think for some of them, yes. Check out the highlights from Friday below in my Big Brother 2015 spoilers!
>>>Click here for our Big Brother 2015 Live Recap for Episode 3!!!<<<
I am going to try and make sense of this all, so bare with me. If I missed something, then mention it in the comments. One thing I did not mention before is the Have Not room has dentist chairs for beds this season, so I included a photo below of them. Kind of crazy, but it did cause some drama in the house when James slept it there Thursday night and not in the HoH room. He said it is lonely up there, so he slept in them (and I believe him…no game play there).