September 14, 2014

Big Brother 2014 Live Recap: Episode 36 – The Jury House Returns!


For those Donny and Zach fans out there, get ready as Big Brother 2014 brings back the jury members tonight on Big Brother 16 and it should bring some extra drama. We will start with the completion of the Head of Household competition that Julie Chen started on Wednesday night and then move on to Week 12 and the redo of Week 11 thanks to the HGs hitting that Rewind button. Follow along with us tonight during our Big Brother 2014 Live Recap and see who won HoH on Big Brother 2014 tonight!

Big Brother 2014 Spoilers - Episode 36 Preview 7

If you are one of those people that refuse to read any of my Big Brother 2014 spoilers and you only watch the shows on CBS then you have no idea what has happened since the show ended on Wednesday night and we saw no one make their way to the jury house! Julie revealed the BB Rewind twist and it was a redo of Week 11. If you do keep up, then you know all the excitement that has happened since then and the drama and tears that are hopefully shown tonight! We will see everything from the completion of the HoH competition to the Nomination Ceremony for Week 12.

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September 14, 2014

Big Brother 2014 Spoilers: Week 12 – Power of Veto Ceremony


This has been a wild weekend in the Big Brother 2014 house and it seems like such a long weekend thanks to the live eviction shows being on Wednesday nights now, so it makes this timeframe seem off for Big Brother 16. Either way, we now have the Veto Meetings on Sundays and this would tell us who the true target is for the week, a week that comes to an end sometime on Monday with a taping of the special eviction that will air on Tuesday night! So, who are the final nominees for Week 12? Check out the Veto Meeting results below in my Big Brother 2014 spoilers!

Big Brother 2014 Spoilers - Episode 34 Preview 3

In case you missed any of our Big Brother 2014 spoilerslets get you caught up:

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September 14, 2014

Big Brother 2014 Spoilers: Episode 36 Sneak Peek (VIDEO)


It all may seem like deja vu this week on Big Brother 2014, but I have a feeling that this week will not end the same way that Week 11 on Big Brother 16 was supposed to! We have an exciting night ahead of us on Big Brother 2014, as we see the end of the HoH competition and new targets are formed. We also have the jury members coming in and doing a little remodeling of the house! Check out a sneak peek below in our Big Brother 2014 spoilers!

Big Brother 2014 Spoilers - Week 11 HoH Photos 13

If you are one of those people that refuse to read any of my Big Brother 2014 spoilers and you only watch the shows on CBS then you have no idea what has happened since the show ended on Wednesday night and we saw no one make their way to the jury house! Julie revealed the BB Rewind twist and it was a redo of Week 11. If you do keep up, then you know all the excitement that has happened since then and the drama and tears that are hopefully shown tonight!

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September 14, 2014

Big Brother 2014 Spoilers: Live Feeds Recap – 9/13/2014


While Frankie says he has some tricks up his sleeve still, it appears that the other HGs have moved on to next week on Big Brother 2014 and it is just a matter of time before Frankie is gone! Some more controversy, but outside of the Big Brother 2014 house and I am just ready to be done with the Grande family in general. We have a big week ahead of us on Big Brother 16 and the HGs are making plans! Check out the highlights from Saturday below in our Big Brother 2014 spoilers!

Big Brother 2014 Spoilers - Derrick, Caleb and CodyPhoto Credit: @BigBroJunkie

The HGs slept away most of the day, as they had a late night on Friday with the luxury comp and Veto Competition. Derrick was one of the first ones up and they were on indoor lockdown, but not a thing going on in the backyard! Maybe some more shouters?

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September 13, 2014

Big Brother 2014 Spoilers: New Bonus For Team America


The Big Brother fans were abuzz yesterday when on the Live Feeds, Team America appeared to get a new mission and it was not going to end well for all of us watching Big Brother 2014. This has caused a lot of controversy and had people in an uproar and I will try to explain what it all means for the winner of Big Brother 16! Check out the details below in our Big Brother 2014 spoilers!

Big Brother 2014 Spoilers - Team America

This all took place on the Live Feeds and it got started about 1:29pm BBT on 9/12. Both Frankie and Derrick were told about the new bonus available to Team America. This is not a mission, but a bonus. What is it? If any member of Team America goes on and wins then they get $50,000 more! So, the winner of Big Brother 2014 would take home $550,000 if they are Team America (a.k.a Derrick or Frankie).

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