Big Brother 2014 Spoilers: Live Feeds Recap – 9/12/2014
|What a Friday we had in the Big Brother 2014 house, as it was a roller coaster ride of emotions, but it ended on a high note and some big planning going on for these HGs. The next move on Big Brother 16 is determined, but now we have F3 and F2 deals to work out and Caleb is already making plans on how he will spend the $500,000. Check out the highlights from Friday below in our Big Brother 2014 spoilers!
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The big news of the day: the Veto Competition was held and CODY WON!!! I believe they were different morphs and the HGs could see the time to beat, but Cody went first and had no time counting down that would stress you out. He improved dramatically from his first time in this comp, so props to him. I use the picture above as a sign of what Frankie has done all season long: kiss butt to the person that just won the comp and he’ll do anything for Cody to use the veto on him….not gonna happen though!