Big Brother 2013 Spoilers: Live Feeds Recap – 8/18/2013
|We haven’t reached the Power of Veto Ceremony yet today and there is still hope in the Big Brother 2013 house of a possible backdoor to Amanda, but I think all the talk of backdooring her happens when they get some alcohol in their system. Um, can we do the Veto Meeting while they are tipsy??? It was an exciting day in the Big Brother 15 house and Aaryn is starting to see the light, but then it gets blocked by Amanda very quickly!!! Check out the highlights from yesterday in my Big Brother 2013 spoilers below!
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So, the day started with some cleaning of the bathroom by Helen and Elissa after BB told them it needed to be cleaned! They do some talking and Helen is getting paranoid because Spencer seems pretty calm for someone that is about to go home. Elissa tells her that she thinks Helen is the target! Let the fun begin!!!