Big Brother 2013 Spoilers: Live Feeds Recap – 7/23/2013
|A few things can sum up the day yesterday in the Big Brother 2013 house: Elissa is going crazy, alcohol makes them all go crazy and everyone is in at least five separate alliances with each other on Big Brother 15. If you can keep track of all the alliances on Big Brother 2013 than do me a favor and write them all down for me and send them my way. You never know who is in an alliance with who and what ones are serious, but some major events happened in the house last night and you can get some highlights for Tuesday in our Big Brother 2013 spoilers that follow.
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Early in the day, Elissa is out back having a conversation with McCrae, Andy and Amanda and it involves religion and she thinks Howard is using his religious beliefs to better his game. She is rambling on and on and being loud and Andy tries to quiet her down, seeming Howard is right behind them. She misses the attempt and McCrae giggles about it. This sets off Elissa because she thinks they are laughing about her religious beliefs and blah blah. Elissa didn’t win Big Brother MVP this week and she went loopy!