LIVE EVICTION SHOW Week 7 Big Brother 2010
|Tonight promises to be perhaps the most explosive show, yet in Big Brother 2010.
Actually, it all depends on what Matt does with his Diamond Power of Veto. Now’s your chance to get in on the FREE TRIAL and $14.95 deal for the LIVE FEEDS! See the rest of the season on this discount rate!
He has a chance here, to either shake up the game, (as he claims to be a “gamer”) OR walk the safe path and use the D-POV and go with a no harm, no foul play.
IF he plays it safe, uses the DPOV and nominates Kathy, then ho-hum and BFD. Kathy told Brendan last night, that she had a bad feeling about something that she couldn’t explain. What you feel, Kathy is the wind whistling from that axe that Matt is swinging over your head.
Hayden and Enzo planned to tell Matt that they decided to keep Lane over him. They have still not worked up the nerve. The question is:If they do, will Matt hold that against them and surprise everyone by putting up one of the Brigade members. My guess is no…
Team Mean is sitting pretty right now, although all the Brigade members claim to want Britney out next, possibly over Brendan. Please, oh please! I can’t WAIT to see Britney on the block!!
It all hinges in who wins HOH tonight!
Today is the day to SIGN up for you FREE TRIAL of the SUPERPASS LIVE FEEDS!! See how the house reacts to the new HOH- and whom they nominate tomorrow. Brendan will go up, no matter who wins, most likely. The big question is… who goes up against him…
Matt "packs"