Big Brother 20 Live Feeds Recap: Week 2 – Tuesday
|Yesterday on the Big Brother 20 live feeds, Swaggy thinks there might be hope that Kaitlyn’s plan to BD him will fail as some of the HGs tell him they still aren’t sure how they will vote. We have had stranger things happen in the Big Brother house. If you have missed any of the action inside the Big Brother 20 house, make sure you check out my Big Brother spoilers to get all caught up!
The Big Brother live feeds started off kind of slow with all the HGs just lounging around and talking. Sam tells Winston, Angela and Kaycee about her talk with Swaggy and how it was nice to see the real Swaggy. She tells them how she told him that if this is the last few days in this house then he should focus on letting everyone get to know the real Swaggy. Keep reading to find out what else was talked about in the Big Brother house! Click Here to Continue Reading »