Big Brother 19 Poll: Who is Your Favorite HG? – Week 10 (POLL)
|It is time for our weekly Favorite Big Brother 19 HG poll! I know how excited you all are over this season (yes, that is sarcastic) and now you can tell me which of the remaining HGs is your favorite! If you have missed any of this week’s antics, you can get all the details in my Big Brother 2017 spoilers!
This week we have Christmas in the HOH, but lets me honest, Paul is running it as always. We had Jason and Alex on the block, but after the Veto Ceremony yesterday, the nominations changed! Find out what happened at the Big Brother 19 Veto Ceremony right here if you missed it! Make sure you keep reading and let me know who your favorite HG is by voting in our poll and let me know in the comments below why!