Big Brother 2017 Predictions: Who Will Be Evicted? – Week 2
|There have been a lot of things said and done in the Big Brother 19 house over the last couple weeks that has lead us to this moment. With three HGs on the block this week and a lot of people gunning for one specific HG, things seem to be pretty cut and dry this week. However, nothing is ever easy in the Big Brother house.
Paul decided to treat Cody the same way Cody treated him the week before, however, Paul’s plan worked out a little better than Cody’s did. Ramses put himself on the block because of the curse he received when Paul took the Pendant of Protection, which almost put a wrench in Paul’s gears. Keep reading to find out how I think this eviction will go and follow along later with my Big Brother 2017 spoilers to find out who was evicted and who won HOH.