Big Brother 2015 Spoilers: James Huling Eviction Interview (VIDEO)
|There has been two HGs on Big Brother 2015 that truly tried to make a big move in the game: James Huling and Becky Burgess. Both of their plans failed and both of them are now sitting in the jury house on Big Brother 17. We have the BB Live Chat with James after his eviction, so check it out in our Big Brother 2015 spoilers below!
I have gone on a rollercoaster ride with James this season, as I liked him and then he seemed creepy to me and then he won me back over. In the end, I think he is a good guy just trying to make it in this world. I think he’s a guy’s guy and the segment with his friends from back home showed us that James in the Big Brother 2015 house is exactly like James outside of the house, which I like. However, the other HGs didn’t seem to like it and sent him packing during the Double Eviction.