Big Brother 2015 Spoilers: Live Feeds Recap – 9/3/2015
|While I am sad about the events that took place during the Double Eviction on Big Brother 2015 last night, I have not given up hope. We might not like anyone yet or think it is the worst F6 ever, but they have to start making moves now on Big Brother 17 because no one else is left to evict and that excites me! Check out the highlights from Thursday below in my Big Brother 2015 spoilers!
The Live Feeds came back after the Double Eviction that sent Meg and James to the jury house. From there, the twins talked about Steve needing to go next. The Austwins practiced days in the kitchen while the others napped. Then Vanessa was up and at ’em and making plans. She was telling Liz and Julia that Steve and Johnny Mac needed to go up on the block. She was telling Austin that they needed to throw the HOH comp, but he was hesitant. She was telling Steve that John needed to throw it to them and then he can compete in the HOH next week since it will probably be physical. Then she was studying hardcore with John on the days of the season, since they all thought that would be the comp.