Big Brother 2015 Spoilers: Live Feeds Recap – 8/5/2015
|The last full day in the Big Brother 2015 house before one of Chelli is evicted tonight! The house is flip-flopping all over the place, so this makes my head hurt but it also is exciting because it makes tonight’s vote on Big Brother 17 suspenseful! Check out the highlights from Wednesday below in my Big Brother 2015 spoilers!
>>>Click here for our Big Brother 17 Week 6 Eviction Show Live Recap!!!<<<
During the day, Vanessa comes up with plans to out Becky as a rat, but Clay and Shelli decide to talk to her about things and maybe see about keeping her around to work with them. Then she wants to stage a fight between Austin and Shelli, so that it looks like Shelli is against Austin and one of the only people in the house willing to go against him, so they have to keep her. She takes the plan to Austin and the twins and they try to convince Vanessa that Shelli is a bigger target and this is their chance to get rid of her!