July 3, 2015

Big Brother 2015 Spoilers: HoH Nominations – Week 2


I knew it would happen and it definitely is, as things are moving quickly in the Big Brother 2015 house! After Shelli and Becky won HoHs on the live eviction show last night, it was time to get into game mode and fast! Well, the Week 2 nominations on Big Brother 17 have been made and you can find them out below in my Big Brother 2015 spoilers!

Big Brother 2015 Spoilers - Live Feeds Recap - 7:2:2015 - 12

So, after winning HoHs, Becky and Shelli only had a few hours to actually “enjoy” it. They were then naming nominees, so not much scheming and planning was allowed. We are actually currently in the Battle of the Block, so things are moving super fast, like I said!

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July 2, 2015

Who Went Home On Big Brother 2015 Tonight? 7/2/2015


The stage was set for the first live eviction on Big Brother 17 and while no one wants to be the first person voted off Big Brother 2015, it has to be one of them and I am okay with both options, so who went home on Big Brother 2015 tonight? Find out the Week 1 results on Big Brother 17 tonight below in our Big Brother 2015 spoilers!

Big Brother 2015 Spoilers - Week 1 Power Rankings

This vote seemed like a lock, but would it be unanimous or maybe even a shift in the Big Brother 2015 house before the live vote? Julie Chen had a lot of ground to cover tonight, so I was excited to see how they let it play out. Get the full details over in our Live Recap, otherwise scroll down for the voting results!

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July 2, 2015

Big Brother 2015 Live Recap: First Elimination, Twin Twist and BB Takeover


Get ready for a jam-packed night of Big Brother 2015, as CBS is throwing a lot of information into one hour of programming: the first eviction on Big Brother 17, the Twin Twist revealed, BB Takeover with Kathy Griffin and the Week 2 HoH competition! How does all of that fit into one hour with Julie Chen live in the studio? I am not sure, especially since we also have to catch up on all the drama since the Veto Meeting took place on last night’s show! Follow along with us tonight during my Big Brother 2015 Live Recap and see who got eliminated on Big Brother 2015 tonight!

Big Brother 2015 Spoilers - Week 1 Eviction Recap

After last night’s episode, we found out the final two nominees for Week 1 were Jace and Jackie, with the backdoor plan for Jace in full effect. Now we have all the drama from when that Veto Meeting happened and the blowup between Da’Vonne and Audrey and hopefully more of Audrey making an alliance with everyone in the Big Brother 2015 house!

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July 2, 2015

Big Brother 2015 Spoilers: Who Goes Home Tonight? Week 1 Poll


The Houseguests on Big Brother 2015 were all pumped and excited to move into the Big Brother 17 house and get their chance to become the winner of Big Brother 2015. None of them want to be the first person voted out though, but that is going to happen to one unlucky HG tonight on BB17! Who goes home tonight on Big Brother 17? Time for you all to make some Big Brother 2015 spoilers of your own by voting in my Big Brother poll below for the Week 1 eviction!

>>>Click here for our Big Brother 2015 Week 1 Live Eviction Show Recap!!!<<<

Big Brother 2015 Spoilers - Week 1 Eviction Poll

I am very interested to see what CBS shows us tonight on the show, especially since we have seen some wild things happen on the Live Feeds these past few days. How are they going to fit all of that into like 20 minutes of programming before the vote tonight??? They have to though, as the first live eviction will take place and then we move on to the next HoH competition for Week 2 and have Kathy Griffin in the house to deliver the second week’s BB Takeover!

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July 2, 2015

Big Brother 2015 Predictions: Week 1 Eviction – Who Goes Home Tonight?


We are in the dreaded spot that no one wants to be in on Big Brother 2015: the first HG to be eliminated on Big Brother 17! It is going to happen tonight on CBS and it looks like a backdoor plan during Week 1 on Big Brother 2015 might play out. These HGs have come to play and there is no rest for me, so who goes home tonight on Big Brother 17? Check out my thoughts in our Big Brother 2015 predictions below!

>>>Click here for our Big Brother 2015 Week 1 Live Eviction Show Recap!!!<<<

Big Brother 2015 Spoilers - Week 1 Predictions

So, we saw everything play out last night with the Power of Veto. If you follow along here, nothing was a big shocker to you. That blowup between Da’Vonne and Clay was interesting, but it also happened long before they made it seem! They were in the second HoH room when it took place, so that would be closed after the Battle of the Block, which we saw last episode. That means this happened before last episode and they just want to ruffle some feathers. I am still Team Da’Vonne, so bring out the Inglewood, girl!

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