Finally! Dick Donato–aka Evel Dick– has finally let us know the reason for his leaving Big Brother 2011.
As usual, Dick is blunt. He’s also pretty harsh in dealing with all the rumor mongers who claimed this was all Baloney.. (though our dear Dick used naughty words we try not to use on our fam-friendly site– no matter how BAD we want to sometimes.. ) As you know, we never posted false BS about Dick’s reasons. We only knew that we didn’t know..
We stated that Dick is a gamer, and respects Big Brother too much to leave for anything but the most important reasons.. He did not and WILL not reveal WHO the person is.. Only that it is a dear friend who had health issues and needed him. I admire him greatly for that.
Click on the picture below for the video. Then click on Evel Dick exclusive at the bottom of that page.
Evel Dick explains
So– that is that– and we will sorely miss our Dick and all the trouble he would’ve caused.. The Big Brother 2011 House is just a little dimmer without him..
But still awesome!! So come onnnnnn… You’re totally missing it! OMG at the things that are coming down the road for these guys. The honeymoon’s almost over.. And those LIVE FEEDS are calling your name.. Admit it.. You know you want them.. oooooooo they’re soooo goooooddd.. 🙂
SIGN UP HERE and get ready as volatile Keith and snaky Porshe scramble for votes. Who will win out on votes? The Vets–who want Keith out–or the Newbies who wanna oust Porshe. This vote will show which side the floaters are really on..
How hard did ya’ll laugh, watching Keith hump Adam in that cow suit?? And God love Jordan.. “I’d rather be in a nice farm somewhere.”
Jeff had it figured out.