September 9, 2010

HOH Part Two Tonight *Spoiler*


We are down to the nitty gritty now,

UPDATE: Got a lot of people talking about America’s Choice. Just for the record. Britney and Brendan are dead even on competitions.
Brit: 3 POV-1 HOH
Brendan: 3 POV – 1 HOH.

The first part of the HOH is over, and while we do not yet know how long they hung in, we do know that…

Is once again our HOH winner.. That leaves Enzo and Lane to play off in the second part tonight LIVE.

All we can do now is see which of the two remaining Brigade members can pull enough brain power to win the second part. That ought to be interesting… Dur…

Since Hayden is likely to win the final HOH- Who do you think he should take with him? I am leaning towards Enzo. He is a little tough to take at times, but I like his utter loyalty to the others, whereas Lane blew with the wind, and was wishy-washy. I think Enzo will be genuinely happy to see either of the other two win, especially Hayden. Lane is 100% for Lane. Besides, there are some things in Lane’s past which have come to light that make me a little uncomfortable. In any case, at this point, all we can do is wait and watch..

I am looking forward to seeing the Jury House! Can’t wait to see Ragan’s reaction to his hero, Matt’s revelation..

Joker’s Houseguest Rankings (View Ratings Graph)
Day Number
Rank 57 58 59 60 61 62 63 64 65 66 67 68 69 70 71 72
Rankings are calculated from average ratings submitted by Joker’s Updates users each day.
Day 1 is when the cast was revealed.

After viewing Joker’s Updates popularity poll, we see that it is a close race between Britney and Brendan for AC. Well, let’s look at that. Yes, Brit got to final 4, and on the surface, if you only watch the CBS show, when she pretty’s up, she looks pretty good. But if we vote her AC, what kind of message are we sending to all the teenage girls out there? That it’s okay to be a mean girl? That is is fine to trash people behind their backs? I just cannot support that. I will vote for Brendan. Yep. I just claimed that. He is not the ideal choice, but good Lord, he is a better choice than Britney. What kind of person spends hours talking about another woman’s private parts? I can’t do it. Just can’t. What will you do?

The other big news is America’s Choice..

September 8, 2010

Wednesday Show and Eviction


Well, well, well.. Who says Karma doesn’t bite you in the azz??

I tried and tried to dreg up some sympathy for Britney. She got played and as a woman, I would normally have hated that. I got SO mad when the boys played Keisha that way in BB10.  But…. for Brit, I just can’t do it. She was just too ugly to too many people,  beginning waaaayyy back when she and Money sat outside laying out and talking nasty trash on every person in the house.. I just can’t, ya’ll..

Interesting too, that she shouted out to everyone except her fiancée?  Hmmm…  what does that  mean?

In any case. She’s gone and the Brigade did what they set out to do. They ran the votes, and got to F3—  I love the jungle comp and I DO hope we see that they hung in there like champs, not chumps…

Looks like the feeds will not be up for some time, so I will post in the  very early am, on who won the first part of the HOH.

Night, guys! 🙂

September 7, 2010

Bye Bye Britney Wed. Show Big Brother 2010 *UPDATE**UPDATE**


Hi guys. I took a day off, but there was little to talk about in the Big Brother 2010 house.

UPDATE- I don’t want to post anything that I don’t know for certain.. Per some tweeters who CLAIM to be in Live audience- Brit was evicted and the Brigade guys began part I of the final HOH comp- Hanging on vines, a la BB10- through a waterfall, and are banged into walls. Again, this is just speculation…Will put up new post after show tonite..

The Brigade seems set to send Brit home.

UPDATE: Just got the word.. The Feeds will be out from sometime this morning, until 6 pm BBT Wednesday. 🙁

The big news is sad..  The rumor is that BB will cut the feeds some time this morning, and will hold the veto ceremony and the eviction today during the Feed blackout.  We will know for certain later today, when members of the audience, whom they have scheduled to attend today, tweet and post what happened during the show.

No word yet, if the feeds will be back after the show tonight.

In the past, we have always had the feeds up until and immediately following all the shows.

So, the sum of all this is… we don’t know crap!  sorry! Am I mad.. Heck yeah! I’m mad!!

We will just have to play the waiting game…

Here are some pics to tide us over until we know more..

Brit dyed Lane’s beard.

The Brigade started getting paranoid on each other.

And Random objects in the house.

And let me take this time to tell you how much fun I have had with all of you this summer. Without all of you, this would not have worked. Some say we are nuts to spend this much time on a stupid reality show.

To these naysayers,, I say.. NAY!! If you have only ever watched the CBS show, you didn’t REALLY watch Big Brother. However, if you weren’t able to sign up for the FEEDS, or BBAD..  and you  watched the CBS show, then came here for the real skinny on what is happening. You may now call yourself a true fan!

I did my very best to give you my true, honest opinion on events in the house. I have always loved this game beyond all others because of the psychological aspect. One which you don’t see in any other show. To observe to what levels a person will stoop to win a half a million dollars. I believe this year we saw some people go below and beyond disgusting behaviour. (Talking to you, Britney, Ragan and Matt-with the wifey sick lie).

Anyway.. When I know what happens, you will know, so STAY TUNED and hang in there with me to the bitter end!!

And here are some pics of our beloved HG’s who are no longer with us.. Key sad funeral music..

So long dear Houseguests, and thanks for a fun Season….

September 5, 2010

Final POV Winner and Brigade Revealed! **UPDATED**


Well, it’s a done deal. The Final POV comp has been played in Big Brother 2010!

UPDATE: Well, absolutely nothing of note happened yesterday or last night in the house. Brit seems resigned to her fate. They all talked about how cool it is going to be to be celebrities. (okay?) and get paid to go to bars. (ick) The HG’s- and Brit in particular bashed on all the other HG’s. Interesting note- Brit bashed Ragan for trashing the other HG’s..and about how nasty he talked all the time. Yeah, Brit, cause you didn’t spend an hour yesterday morning in the backyard talking to yourself about Rachel’s va-jay-jay….. Nothing much to say, here are a couple of pics- if anything happens, I’ll let you guys know…

UPDATE: After the Brigade revealed itself to Britney-she had a breakdown. She spent hours in the DR, reappearing only to take the covers from her bed to go sleep alone in the Taj bedroom. She did not want to speak to the others. I can understand her feelings, but do any of you remember waaaaaaaaay back in July, when I mentioned a little concept called Karma?? Hmmmmm…

The boys feel bad, but felt they “owed it to her to tell her.” The best quote of the night Enzo to Hayden about Britney saying she left everything and lost everything.. “Yo, you lost everything? You are twenty-two years old and you won a ten thousand dollar game of hide and seek. Get the F out of here.”

Your final POV winner is….

Hayden won the final POV- and turned to the camera and said: “Brigade Final Three”

The guys decided to come clean to Britney about the Brigade and Enzo and Lane told her all about it.

At first, Brit seems to be taking it very well, and is not very surprised. The two boys told her all the moving and shaking the Brigade has done in the house since day one…She asked why they turned on Matt and they told her it was because of his turning to Ragan too much.

Hayden was a little ticked that the other two didn’t wait for him to get out of the DR – and was not involved in the big reveal. They talked about what they did to whom, who the saboteur might have been…He said he knows that he has to keep winning because neither Lane nor Enzo would take him to the end.

But Hayden also just told Britney that he was glad she won the 10 G’s. She said, so that means I am definitely going home? Hayden said-I am not going to say that, but I will say that I am not going to use the POV. Dead silence..

They told her they respected her game enough to tell her the truth. After Hayden told her, that basically her game was over….. With Enzo being the only vote… She broke down and left the room, crying she “did this for nothing. I left my fiancee, and my family for nothing!”

STAY TUNED for more on the big reveal…  going on on the LIVE FEEDS..

September 4, 2010

Here it is.. The Final POV of the year on Big Brother 2010


UPDATE: May have spoken too soon.  At 5:41 BBT- screen JUST went to Trivia. will let you know when we get some results.

UPDATE: 5:30 BBT- Still no word on POV. They still hear building outside, so there will either be a night comp, or it is some type of luxury comp, with the POV played live on Wednesday. I don’t see how they will have time to do the comp, ceremony  and eviction in one show, especially since the final POV comp is traditionally a long and elaborate one, but… all we can do is wait…  bummer, huh???

UPDATE: Still no confirmation on the POV. The HG’s think it will be today. The HG’s are on indoor LD and there is building going on in the backyard. That is all we know at this time..  1:15 BBT.

Could Britney  BE any whinier. She haaaaates that she has her back against the wall, she haaaaates his game, she haaaaates everyone in this house.  waaah, waah, waah. That is because her tears have gotten her her way so far( e.g. Brendan…) Now, however, only winning will save either her or Enzo.  Enzo is pacing like a caged tiger…

UPDATE!!  Hang on everyone! I think we might have been right in the first place about the Veto being today!  We are trying to verify.. Hang in there and I will let you know!

UPDATE:  Sorry guys.. I guess I didn’t pay enough attention! The POV comp will NOT be today. It will happen LIVE on the Wednesday show.  I will post from time to time, and we can talk about possible scenarios. There will be a lot of wheeling and dealing the next few days, but not much else to talk about until the POV… Sorry!

Wowzers!  Well, faithful followers.. Here it is! The most Supercalifragilisticexpialidocious Big Brother 2010 comp of the year! The one we all wait for…(and yes, I know that many of us are not super-excited about the four left) but hey..  You play with the hand you are dealt..

Hayden made his nominations last night, and again, as expected (I have said that a lot this year I know.. this has not really been a year of big surprises), Lane and Britney are nominated.

However, nominations mean very little this week. Everything…. absolutely everything, rides on this POV.

Whoever wins this POV today, will have the most power we have seen in the game all season.

Not only will the winner be in the Final Four, but he/she will also decide who else is in the F3. That is big, because this is where you decide not necessarily who you want beside you at a possible F2, but who you DONT want beside you. The POV winner alone, votes to evict.

This POV comp is typically a combination of skill and questions. HEre are a couple of pics from BB10 and BB11- Those were  grueling, and mind-boggling comps.. Can’t wait to see what happens today!!

Final POV BB10

Final POV BB11

There was little to no game talk last night as all the HG’s know that everything rides on this POV.

Gonna say it once more..  Sign up here, if you want to witness the final endurance comp, when the F3 battle it out!

$9.99 plus $10.00 of FREE MP3 downloads!! You can’t get two latte’s at Starbucks for that!

STAY TUNED for the POV results, I will let you know when they go to trivia, and when we hear the results!


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