July 26, 2010

Decisions, Decisions, Decisions- Big Brother 2010 *Spoiler Alert


What to do, What to do?

It was a quiet, fun-filled night in the Big Brother 2010 House last night. People flip-flopped back and forth on whom to vote out on Thursday night.

The “Brigade” are going back and forth on rather to put out the biggest threat, or to knock out a do-little floater.

After a week of Kathy being in a virtual “menage a troi”  with Brenchel, apparently, the threesome is over. Kathy is spilling every bean she has to Kristen her new BFF, (including that Rachel is telling everyone that Krayden is a couple, just like Brenchel!-A fact that is ticking Kristen off.) Hayden is downplaying his relationship with Kristin to the brigade. Enzo, in particular, keeps reminding Hayden that Kristin is expendable.  Who will Hayden choose if it comes down to the brigade, or his bed partner??

Oddly enough, Rachel and Britney have become close since Monet left. That is funny, considering how Brit talked about Rachel.

No one really knows what in the heck to do at this point. This is truly anyone’s game right now.

Sign up for your FREE TRIAL of the 24/7 Uncensored LIVE FEEDS to see what craziness happens, and what kind of scheming, backstabbing and campaigning goes on today!

July 25, 2010

Party Time in the Big Brother 2010 House–*Spoiler Alert


Man! The Big Brother 2010 Houseguests had a party last night.

Apparently, BB gave the Have’s plenty of liquor last night! On the LIVE FEEDS (if you haven’t signed up, you are missing oouuttt!)

It was a little too much for some of them..

Uh….Kristen ate a spider.. I am even kidding…

Looks like we may have a boy-girl vote split. The girls MAY be rallying around Kathy..

And…I am not even going to add comment to these next images, add your own, if you wish..


Get your free trial of the LIVE FEEDS for pennies a day!!! I want you guys to see everything that I do, so we can dish about it!! Come onnnnn! (whine) Join the party!

July 24, 2010

POV RESULTS! Spoiler Alert


Spoiler Alert!  POV results are in, in the Big Brother 2010 house.

Matt concerned that he will have to break the tie

The POV comp just finished and wowee-wow oh wow! Jump on the LIVE FEEDS, here, and see how the HG’s are reacting!

See below for the results

The POV picks were made late last night.  Andrew, Kathy Matt- Picked Lane, Brendan and Rachel.

Wait for it………

BRENDAN won POV!  so, of course, he will not use it, and either Kathy or Andrew will be evicted…  Now, here we have a sticky situation, if, in fact, Andrew and Brendan are related, as I have a gut feeling they are.

Brendan is a happy camper

We are back to a hard choice situation.  Kathy and Andrew are both close to Brenchel, and the house is likely to split this vote for the first time.

Matt, Kristin, were just in the HOH room talking about how disappointed they were.

I TOLD you guys, that planned backdooring hardly ever works out.

We are likely to have our first split vote- with the HOH the tiebreaker.

For you Brenchel fans- you will have at least one more week of the love of the century…

Sign up for your…hello… FREE trial of the LIVE FEEDS!!  What do you have to lose? If you love this game, you HAVE to see what kind of shenanigans they will get up to this week, while they decide who to vote out.

BTW- With Matt’s tactics, using his wife’s “disease” for sympathy-  I think if I was his wife, I would run out and get a Cat Scan.  Better safe than sorry.. LOL

July 23, 2010

NOMINATIONS REVEALED in Big Brother 2010 HOUSE-Big *Spoiler News! POV COMP PICS!*Revealed


The new HOH of the Big Brother 2010 House has put up two people for nomination and they come as something of a surprise.


AFter the big blowup between Matt and Brenchel earlier in the week, I think we all expected Matt to put up at least one of them.

Sure, we predicted Kathy and Andrew, but I didn’t believe it until I heard it for myself. Yep, Matt has nominated Kathy and Andrew! He plans to try to backdoor Brendan, but pre-planned backdooring doesn’t always work.

Matt says he will inform the house that Andrew is a pawn, but both of these noms are pretty unpredictable.. wonder how they will take it??

Sign up for the live feeds- to see how the HG’s react to these noms. Do Brenchel feel safe??

Stay tuned for updates…

UPDATE:!!  POV PICS were done last night and JUST guess who is playing????  Matt, Kathy and Andrew, of course… but also.. Brendan AND Rachel ! Lane is the sixth.  Most of the house was not happy about that, obviously.

POV will be played today. Stay tuned today for POV results!


UPDATE:  Very interesting:  Last night at 1207 AM, FLASHBACK on the LIVE FEEDS-We had Andrew and Brendan having a quick, whispered conversation- Andrew told Brendan to “Just keep doing what you are doing and don’t tell Rachel- and stay away from me tomorrow”  and they did some more strategizing.  Have we finally found our lifelong friends??? I have always wondered why Brendan trusts Andrew so implicitly. Do we possibly have a “fraternal” bond???

Funniest Quote of the night- she is mean, but you gotta admit she is hilarious!

Fri 10:39 PM BBT Brit: “Are you kidding me… they are like the Dollar Tree version of Jeff & Jordan.” LOL NT – bbfan62
July 23, 2010

New Sheriff in Town- Results of Endurance comp- Big Brother 2010 *Spoiler


Well, We had our first endurance comp in the Big Brother 2010 house.

The HG’s were put up on surfboards, where they had to balance themselves while being pelted with periodic sprays of icy cold water on the jiggling boards.

Disappointingly, several people fell quickly, and it turned into a three man fight.

Get your free trial of the Superpass LIVE FEEDS to see what happened, with FLASHBACK!!

Andrew, Matt and Ragan were the only ones who really made this feel like a competition. For a time, Andrew looked like he might win this, but from the beginning, Matt looked the most comfortable.

Andrew finally lost the fight and fell, and it then there were two..

Ragan and Matt began wheeling and dealing almost immediately. Ragan offered to fall, and give the HOH to Matt (who wasn’t going anywhere anyway) as long as he didn’t put up Rachel. Ragan wanted to call the others out to talk about what they were planning. Matt’s primary target (he claimed) was Kathy. I assume that is because she voted to keep Monet.

The really interesting part of this ho-hum Endurance Comp was the Have-have not component. Our have-nots are Brendan, Enzo, Andrew and Ragan. It was not just endurance, but also a psychological game, if you quit, you eat..

Sign up today for the 24/7 LIVE FEEDS to see who Matt nominates will Brenchel be put up??? Stay tuned for news..

UPDATE:11:45 BBT- Looks like Matt cut a deal with Brenchel and plans to put up Kathy with Andrew as pawn- but will probably backdoor Brendan if he gets the chance. Stay tuned for noms, later today


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