POV Picks now and POV results ARE IN!!-Big Brother 2010-SPOILER*
|Results of POV are in! See below!
The POV picks have been selected for week2 in the Big Brother 2010 House.
The HG’s are currently on indoor lockdown while BB sets up the Veto comp.
UPDATE- 12:38pm BBT still Trivia on the Feeds- Must be a crazy POV Comp.
I will announce the results as soon as they come through.
To see for yourself, the reaction of the HG’s of the results of the POV in a little while, sign up here for the 24/7 Uncensored LIVE FEEDS. It is likely to be a fairly short comp, since the Have/Have Not comp took several hours.
UPDATE- I was wrong about the short comp. It must be intense, as the comp as been going on for 2 1/2 hrs at 12:45BBT
UPDATE 1:50 BBT- FEEDS BACK!! Britney won POV! She and Monet talking to Enzo about getting Rachel to put Kathy up. It was some type of endurance- Britney “dropped” last. Brit said she was going to work Bren/Rach then backdoor them next week. “Bronet” plan to try to convince Rach to put up Kathy. “Brechel” thinking about maybe Matt as a pawn.
The struggle on who to put up as a pawn, now. “Brenchel” is weighing all options.
Britney and Monet have been working Kathy hard. They found out that she heard what they had been saying about her.
Ragan will be the Host- He will probably do an awesome job. I am really digging him.
The Players for POV are: Rachel, Britney, Monet and Brendan, Lane and either Enzo or Andrew (please let it be Andrew!) He cracks me up. He has zero social skills, but he is a straight shooter..
UPDATE: It is Enzo, as the sixth player.
STAY TUNED for POV results, or watch the LIVE FEEDS to see if this competition will turn the house on it’s head, yet again!