July 31, 2015

Big Brother 2015 Spoilers: Live Feeds Recap – 7/30/2015

We all held hands and prayed to the BB Gods and they may have finally listened to our Big Brother 2015 prayers! We have a shift in power on Big Brother 17 and despite an agreement during the HOH comp, it looks like some BIG moves could be happening this week! Check out the highlights from Thursday below in my Big Brother 2015 spoilers!

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July 30, 2015

Big Brother 2015 Spoilers: Live Feeds Recap – 7/29/2015

After an eventful Tuesday night, I was hoping Wednesday would follow suit, especially with an eviction on the horizon for the Big Brother 2015 cast. However, that was not the case and it looks like sleep was a better option for many of them on Big Brother 17. Check out the highlights from Wednesday below in my Big Brother 2015 spoilers!

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July 29, 2015

Big Brother 2015 Spoilers: Live Feeds Recap – 7/28/2015

It was a pretty slow and boring day in the Big Brother 2015 house, but things started to heat up as the night got very late. Jason seems like he gave up hope, but Operation Save Jason has begun and Chelli is their main hope, which was the obvious choice on Big Brother 17. Check out the highlights from Tuesday below in my Big Brother 2015 spoilers!

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July 28, 2015

Big Brother 2015 Spoilers: Live Feeds Recap – 7/27/2015

What started as Veto Meeting day on Big Brother 2015 turned in a hot mess in the Big Brother 17 house and I loved every second of it. It looks like this renom at the Veto Meeting may not have been the best choice for Sixth Sense’s game, now if only the other HGs can wake up to all this madness and make a move! Check out the highlights from Monday below in my Big Brother 2015 spoilers!

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July 27, 2015

Big Brother 2015 Spoilers: Live Feeds Recap – 7/26/2015

For future reference, if Vanessa ever wins HoH again on Big Brother 2015, I am going to sit out that weekend and catch you all on the flip side! I am more and more annoyed with her and how she just can’t own any decision on Big Brother 17 and comes up with these theories in her head on why someone needs to go home over someone else. Check out the highlights from Sunday below in my Big Brother 2015 spoilers!

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July 26, 2015

Big Brother 2015 Spoilers: Live Feeds Recap – 7/25/2015

I said you never know what is going to happen with Vanessa as the lone HoH on Big Brother 2015 and I was not lying! A plan was in place, but that was blown out of the water on Saturday night and I honestly don’t know what is going to happen this week on Big Brother 17. Check out the highlights from Saturday below in my Big Brother 2015 spoilers!

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July 25, 2015

Big Brother 2015 Spoilers: Live Feeds Recap – 7/24/2015

The Houseguests had a plan on Big Brother 2015, but all things don’t go as planned and that makes for some entertaining Live Feeds. Austin is living in his own world and it still could explode on him and that would be glorious to watch, as it is fun to watch Clay lose another comp on Big Brother 17! Check out the highlights from Friday below in my Big Brother 2015 spoilers!

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July 24, 2015

Big Brother 2015 Spoilers: Live Feeds Recap – 7/23/2015

Just when you thought all the drama walked out of the Big Brother 2015 house when Audrey Middleton was evicted, but then things got interesting! Why? Because Austin is in love and that is going to be his downfall on Big Brother 17. Check out the highlights from Thursday below in my Big Brother 2015 spoilers!

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July 23, 2015

Big Brother 2015 Spoilers: Live Feeds Recap – 7/22/2015

We didn’t have the normal Wednesday freakout in the Big Brother 2015 house, but we did have some interesting moments along the way. Audrey came back to life and Austin may have just blown up his own game and all in the name of love on Big Brother 17! Check out the highlights from Wednesday below in my Big Brother 2015 spoilers!

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July 22, 2015

Big Brother 2015 Spoilers: Live Feeds Recap – 7/21/2015

From the looks of it, game play is put on hold in the Big Brother 2015 house as the Houseguests wait for Audrey to be evicted. Not much was going on Tuesday, but we did have movement every once in a while from Audrey on Big Brother 17. Check out the highlights from Tuesday below in my Big Brother 2015 spoilers!

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