August 13, 2015

Big Brother 17 Spoilers: Who Goes Home Tonight? Week 7 Poll

While it looks like the HGs on Big Brother 2015 have decided on what to do tonight, there is still time before the live eviction tonight and things could change! We have Vanessa and Shelli on the block for Week 7 on Big Brother 17 and one of them will be making their way to the jury house tonight, but who will it be? Time to make some Big Brother 2015 spoilers of your own, so come vote in our Big Brother 2015 poll below!

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July 21, 2015

Big Brother 2015: Week 4 – Who Is Your Least Favorite Player? (POLL)

In what started as a very disappointing week on Big Brother 2015, we have seen some interesting moments this week and it totally shocked me. I did not think I would enjoy Week 4 on Big Brother 17, but the HGs have surprised me, somewhat. I still have a lot of people on my list of HGs I don’t like, but who makes your list? Vote in our Week 4 poll below in our Big Brother 2015 spoilers!

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July 16, 2015

Big Brother 2015 Spoilers: Who Goes Home Tonight? Week 3 Poll

My thoughts have been shared about the eviction on Big Brother 2015 tonight and now it is time for you all to shed some light on who goes home tonight on Big Brother 17. Time to make some Big Brother 2015 spoilers of your own, so come vote in our Big Brother 2015 poll below!

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July 9, 2015

Big Brother 2015 Spoilers: Who Goes Home Tonight? Week 2 Poll

While I am not ready for it, the Houseguests on Big Brother 2015 are ready to vote out their second HG tonight on Big Brother 17. Julie Chen (and Kathy Griffin) will make their return tonight, as have the live eviction show on BB17 and the BB Takeover will be happening, as the Last Laugh power is handed out. Despite all that, we have an eviction to determine and some Big Brother 2015 spoilers to make of your own! So, who goes home tonight on Big Brother 17? Tell me and vote in our Big Brother 2015 poll below!

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June 23, 2015

Big Brother 2015 Predictions: Season 17 Winner Is? (POLL)

Sure, we haven’t even seen any of the new Houseguests on Big Brother 2015 in action yet, but how about we make some early predictions for this new season? Heck, we don’t even know if CBS is going to give us more HGs this season or not, but time to pick the winner of Big Brother 17 based on what we have seen so far. Vote in our poll below in our Big Brother 2015 spoilers!

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August 15, 2014

Big Brother 2014 Spoilers: Which Juror Do You Want Back? (POLL)

We found out the good news last night on Big Brother 2014, as Julie Chen made so many announcements as the show was ending: Zingbot returns this week, the dual HoH and Battle of the Block ends this week and the jury competition will take place next Thursday on Big Brother 16! That is a lot of action in one week, but gives me hope that things will start picking up. So, which juror do you want back in the Big Brother 2014 house? Tell us your thoughts and vote in our poll below in our Big Brother 2014 spoilers!

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June 25, 2014

Big Brother 2014 Predictions: Season 16 Winner Is? (POLL)

I know that the Big Brother 2014 premiere kicks off tonight and we are a long way from determining the winner of Big Brother 16, but why not make some Big Brother 2014 predictions before the season even starts??? We’ve all watched the Big Brother 2014 cast during their video interviews and first impressions can go a long way, so tell me who you are rooting for to go all the way this season! Vote in our poll below in my Big Brother 2014 spoilers!

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September 5, 2013

Big Brother 2013 Spoilers: Who Goes Home Tonight? Week 10 Poll

A lot of people have complained about a boring season and boring HouseGuests on Big Brother 2013 (including myself), but these HGs are providing us with some entertainment as Big Brother 15 winds down. Tonight should be very entertaining, as Big Brother host Julie Chen informed us last week that tonight would be a double eviction! So much action in one hour, so don’t miss a thing! Before then, I have some Big Brother 2013 spoilers with our weekly Big Brother poll and time to vote on who you think is evicted tonight on Big Brother 2013!

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August 22, 2013

Big Brother 2013 Spoilers: Who Goes Home Tonight? Week 8 Poll

There may be a lot of people rejoicing tonight when Big Brother host Julie Chen announces the results of the vote on Big Brother 2013. One of the power players from Big Brother 15 is on the block tonight and it appears the other power player has more control and will be taking her out tonight. Things could change before the live show on CBS, but it really hasn’t happened that way so far this season. Take some time to vote in our poll below for who goes home tongiht on Big Brother 2013 in our Big Brother 2013 spoilers below!

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July 11, 2013

Big Brother 2013 Spoilers: Who Goes Home Tonight? Week 2 Poll

We are back to the Thursday night live eviction shows on Big Brother 2013 and I couldn’t be happier, seeming there is nothing else on TV on a Thursday night, so Big Brother 15 can consume my life on a night like tonight! With that being said, we have all seen my Big Brother 2013 spoilers all week and we saw the final pieces put together last night on Big Brother 15 with the episode on CBS, so who goes home tonight on Big Brother 2013? Take our Big Brother poll below and see who everyone thinks it will be!

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