September 4, 2013

Big Brother 2013 Spoilers: Aaryn Gries’ Mother Apologizes

We have all seen and heard the comments made by Aaryn Gries on Big Brother 2013 and many were calling for her dismissal from Big Brother 15. That never happened, but her eviction last week finally did happen at the hands of the other remaining HouseGuests and the interview with Big Brother host Julie Chen afterwards received a lot of attention. Whether you thought it was harsh or not, we now have some words from Aaryn’s mother about the situation and some words of apologies in my Big Brother 2013 spoilers below.

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September 4, 2013

Big Brother 2013 Spoilers: Sneak Peek At Episode 30 (VIDEO)

We have arrived at another Wednesday in the Big Brother 2013 house and that means it is time to catch up on some of the fun that went down the past few days for the new episode on CBS tonight. We saw GinaMarie put up the power duo (McCranda) on the block for Week 10 and now we get to see the aftermath of that Nomination Ceremony on Big Brother 15 last time. It is going to get good and it is Veto Night on Big Brother 2013! Check out a sneak peek below and then come back tonight for my Big Brother 2013 Live Recap and watch with us!

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September 4, 2013

Big Brother 2013 Spoilers: Live Feeds Recap – 9/3/2013

Something weird is going on in the Big Brother 2013 house this week and I am completely over it and just want it to be Thursday night already! We have a Double Eviction night coming up again on Big Brother 15 and it can not come soon enough. Is Elissa really working with Amanda right now? Jewelry has been exchanged and I may have lost all respect for her that I did have. Check out some highlights from yesterday in my Big Brother 2013 spoilers below!

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September 3, 2013

Big Brother 2013 Spoilers: Live Feeds Recap – 9/2/2013

Just when I start liking GinaMarie and thinking she should be one of the final HouseGuests on Big Brother 2013, she then goes and opens her mouth again and reminds us all why we wanted her gone in the beginning and why she lost her job. Things got crazy last night in the Big Brother 15 house and we have another attempt at a flip of the house and it never even came from Amanda. Elissa is nuts and she cannot drink wine anymore! Check out the highlights in my Big Brother 2013 spoilers below!

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September 2, 2013

Big Brother 2013 Spoilers: Week 10 – Power of Veto Ceremony

This has been a week many of us have been waiting for on Big Brother 2013. Someone finally had the balls to put McCrae and Amanda on the block and it appears the other HouseGuests have opened their eyes and see that they must be broken up! Elissa tried to backdoor Amanda last week on Big Brother 15, but it failed. Now we get the Veto Meeting today and the final nominees for Week 10 will be announced. Find out the details in my Big Brother 2013 spoilers that follow.

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September 2, 2013

Big Brother 2013 Spoilers: Live Feeds Recap – 9/1/2013

We have the Veto Ceremony today and that should finalize the nail in Amanda’s coffin on Big Brother 2013, but she did not go down without somewhat of a fight yesterday on the Live Feeds. It was a day of some fun, some game play and some drunkeness on Big Brother 15, but that is nothing new, right? Check out some of the highlights in my Big Brother 2013 spoilers that follow.

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September 1, 2013

Big Brother 2013 Live Recap: Episode 29 – The Fall Of McCranda?

We are now into Week 10 on Big Brother 2013 and somehow these HouseGuests have let a power couple make their way this far into the season. Don’t they know that couples vote together and work together on Big Brother 15? No matter what, they are going to do what is best for each other, despite what they may tell you. McCranda needs to be taken down on Big Brother 2013, but will it happen this week? Find out during my Big Brother 2013 Live Recap and see who won HoH on Big Brother 2013 tonight with us!

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September 1, 2013

Big Brother 2013 Spoilers: Episode 29 Sneak Peek (VIDEO)

CBS has that way of trying and making us wait for a few days to find out the results of certain competitions on Big Brother 2013. How could they start a Head of Household competition on us and then leave us waiting for three days to find out who won? That just does not seem right, but then it is the norm for Big Brother 15. Tonight we find out who won HoH for Week 10 on Big Brother 2013 and who they put up on the block as their nominees. It is going to be a good one, so come back tonight for my Big Brother 2013 Live Recap and watch with all of us not out vacationing on that last weekend of the summer!

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September 1, 2013

Big Brother 2013 Spoilers: Live Feeds Recap – 8/31/2013

Things are being setup for a crazy week in the Big Brother 2013 house, but these HouseGuests don’t seem to catch on to that and are messing with all the fun we are supposed to be having. McCrae and Amanda on the block and Veto competitions to be held and then the drama that usually comes with that, right? Not on Big Brother 15 yesterday! Check out some of the highlights in my Big Brother 2013 spoilers that follow!

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August 31, 2013

Big Brother 2013 Spoilers: Results – Veto Competition Week 10

We may have had boring times this season on Big Brother 2013, but I think the HouseGuests were all planting the seeds to make for a very exciting finish to Big Brother 15. Alliances were formed every week and it all lead to them working together and no one wanting to go against the house. Boring, right? Well, that also leads us to that big group of HGs now needing to work against one of the alliance members or showmances and it is making for fun viewing of the live feeds. We just had our Power of Veto competition and get the results in my Big Brother 2013 spoilers that follow!

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