Big Brother 2015 Spoilers: Live Feeds Recap – 7/3/2015
|After a pretty hectic evening/morning on Thursday, the Big Brother 2015 house was sleepy most of the day on Friday. Production still had plans for them though, as they want July 4th off also! We had the Power of Veto competition on Big Brother 17 and plans for a new target. Check out the highlights from Friday below in my Big Brother 2015 spoilers!
>>>Click here for our Live Recap of Episode 6 on BB17!!!<<<
After the Battle of the Block early Friday morning, the HGs finally went to bed. About two hours later, they got their wakeup call! They eventually picked Power of Veto player. Da’Vonne seems to know that she is the target and will be going home this week. She is wondering when she became their target and a bigger target than Audrey. She talked to James and they think he is a target too, since not many people talking to him now that he is not HoH (duh).