Big Brother 2013 Spoilers: Live Feeds Recap – 7/28/2013
|We have not even had the Power of Veto Ceremony yet for Week 5 on Big Brother 2013 and these HouseGuests are scrambling around with their tails cut off and it is funny because in the end none of it matters: the house will vote Howard and he will be the fifth player evicted on Big Brother 15. The alcohol came out Sunday night and the game play talk was working overtime, but it all seemed pointless to me and no one was making sense. Check out some highlights in my Big Brother 2013 spoilers below.
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The funny thing for Week 5: Amanda is on the block and she is also a Have-Not, so she is not eating or drinking and the paranoia is getting to her! She is even having trust issues and getting upset with her boy toy McCrae. No one even mentions voting her out this week, would should be a possibility on everyone’s mind, but they think Howard is more of a threat, but don’t any of them see that Amanda is controlling the house?