Same Tune Different Day in Big Brother 14-Week 6
You know, just once. Just once in this Big Brother 14 season, it might be nice to see someone different up in the HOH room.
Read More..>>You know, just once. Just once in this Big Brother 14 season, it might be nice to see someone different up in the HOH room.
Read More..>>Oh, the dreaded Big Brother 14 fill the jug comp! But this one came with a little twist..And a choice. HOH, Safety for this week, or 10 grand. By the time I wrote this- Brit had already won safety. She was a Powerhouse. Going for HOH were initially only Shane, Ian and Danielle. As of […]
Read More..>>Last night’s Big Brother 14 episode at least played it real, and shined a true light on the (yeah, right) Dani/Shane “no-mance.” Everyone–including the HG’s– love the Zingbot, and usually takes his robot-sharp jabs with good humor. Uh….all of them but our favorite looney-tune, Danielle. Since ‘restrain-gate’ Danielle has been yapping an awful lot about […]
Read More..>>Finally! Some action in the Big Brother 14 House! Though perhaps not exactly the kind we were expecting or hoping for… But first. I’m just gonna put it out there….Danielle be cray-cray…
Read More..>>This title is apt, but a joke as well. It you were listening to the late-night (or early am) Big Brother 14 HOH convo….You’ll know what I’m talking about. It was one of the grossest conversations we’ve heard, but…(and I’m ashamed to admit it)… one of the funniest! Before we get into that, let’s talk […]
Read More..>>Well, that was all much ado about nothing in the Big Brother 14 House, though the long-term effects just may not be visible yet. Frank got up this morning, still extremely concerned (as well he should be) about Dan. But Boogie was able to pull him back before the meeting, like a jockey reigning in […]
Read More..>>Oh boy. In a Big Brother 14 week we thought was a lock to get out one of the “floaters” Wil or Joe, storm clouds are whipping around in Frank’s head.
Read More..>>Oooooo… SNAP! ZINGBOT has made an appearance in the Big Brother 14 House.. And you know good old Zingy. He didn’t hold back. Like…NOT AT ALL! We got to see everyone’s favorite bitch-slapping robot for only a few seconds before it went to Trivia to begin the POV comp.
Read More..>>The HG’s just finished the Big Brother 14 Week 5 Have Not Comp, and we’ve voted the HG’s the Candy Canes and Cod. The HN’s for the week are yellow team of Joe, Brit, Shane and Danielle.
Read More..>>Well. It happened. We all thought it would and yet.. in Big Brother 14, it’s ain’t over till the statuesque lady leaves. And leave she did. You have to give her credit. Janelle went out with grace and dignity. If only she’d shown a bit more of that during her game-play, what happened last night […]
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